S1 E4: 15 Must-Know Phrases for Travelers to Unlock Any Language Abroad

You can't know every language on the planet... In this episode of Second Act Travels, Elizabeth explores the importance of managing language barriers while traveling. With 15 essential phrases—ranging from polite greetings to medical emergencies—you’ll learn how to navigate any situation abroad, even if you only speak English. Whether you're asking for directions, ordering food, or handling unexpected situations, mastering these phrases will help you connect with locals and make your travels more enjoyable. Tune in for a practical guide to overcoming language hurdles and enhancing your travel experience!

Managing Language Barriers S1 E4

For purposes of this broadcast, assume you only speak English.


Really, there are some universal phrases you should master before traveling to another country.  

15 Phrases that are Non negotiable:

  1. Hello and Goodbye
  2. Good morning and Good afternoon
  3. Please and Thank YOU!
  4. Excuse me, and I’m sorry (you’ll need to say that a lot)
  5. Where is the….
  6. I would like….
  7. Numbers one through 20
  8. How much is…?
  9. I have… but Do you have is even more useful…
  10. The bill, please…
  11. I need help.
  12. I need medical help.
  13. I am allergic to… very important!
  14. I have a medical condition (consider wearing a medic alert bracelet as well if needed)
  15. (Of course)….Do you speak English?

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